Covid Treatment with TCells Breathe Oxygen and Salutem Oil | Eximius Miracle Oil Marketing

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Covid Treatment with TCells Breathe Oxygen and Salutem Oil

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Covid Treatment with TCells Breathe Oxygen and Salutem Oil

His brother has Covid virus that caused him to have back pain and cough. As someone who had tried Salutem Oil, he would want his brother to try our products too, because he is one of the living testimonials of our product. 
Because of TCells Breathe Oxygen and Salutem Oil, his brother felt better. On just his first use and intake of the supplements, he relieved quickly from the back pain. His throat also felt better because he is able to release his phlegm after it loosens.

We talked on the phone, and then he sent a text testimonial.

"What I can say about my brother who has Covid and then tried Breathe Oxygen is that, he felt relieved from the back pain after first use. Maybe because of the phlegm that was stuck and hard to release. He felt relieved quickly because of Breathe Oxygen. And also his throat felt relieved because the phlegm seems to be really stuck. Salutem Oil has also helped a lot. I made him take Salutem Oil 1 spoon 3x a day because he stopped taking antibiotics and nacetylcestein or NAC, because his condition becomes worse because of those. He also drink boiled ginger and turmeric. TCells Breathe Oxygen is a big help because the phlegm caused by Covid was expelled." 

Then I ask him if they still want to avail to continue using both TCells Breathe Oxygen and Salutem Oil. After some days, I got a reply:

"Hello mam. His sense of smell is back to normal. It is now okay because of TCells Breathe Oxygen."

If you know anyone who needs an additional treatment because of their health condition, please refer our products to them.

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* No Approved Therapeutic Claim